Dinner tonight was at 11 p.m., thanks to a mid-vegetable chop phone call from one of my sons, who needed to know what to do after a parking lot accident. After I helped him arrange a tow and get home, said son hypothesized that reflective tape on light pole bases could save society many thousands.
Dinner happened at all thanks to a spouse who is on board with the need to get a healthy meal on the table. Just one week ago I shared with you a quick dinner rescue that involved, as this one does, cannellini beans from the cupboard (time to restock!). But the most important part of the rescue this time was my husband.
My husband did some prep while I was gone, and finished the meal after my return. He’s pulled together many dinners when I lacked the energy or the motivation.
Does someone in your house support your efforts to cook healthy? What are your fail-safes for getting meals on? Can you build in some extra ones for when things go wrong?
Check out the beautiful meal my husband put on the table:
Cannellini beans with dill
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