This Betty comic caught my attention. Betty’s husband, wanting to keep his newly flat stomach and remembering how active he was as a kid, asks her whether there is Little League for adults.
In a similar vein, Yoni Freedhoff, an obesity doc over at Weighty Matters, includes this in a list of lifestyle questions he wishes your doctor would ask:
What was your favourite sport or activity as a kid and why aren’t you doing it today?
Is there something you used to do then that you might enjoy now? Childhood roots run deep, and the muscle memory is still there waiting to be tapped. There’s likely to be an organized adult group in your old sport, whether it’s a recreational league, masters competition, or outdoor club. You’ll make friends, and the social aspect of your exercise will keep you hooked.
Today, with the holiday crazies in full swing, I wouldn’t have exercised if I weren’t excited about it. Luckily for me, I didn’t want to miss ice dance class with one of my favorite coaches. The other class members and I had a good time skating and practicing together. And last week, along with a bunch of other adults, we had a blast skating a group number in a holiday show.
Is there sport or activity you remember that’s so fun you’ll want to make time for it in your life?
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