Celery Root, Granny Smith, Fennel, and Manchego Slaw

by Mary on May 5, 2014

salad with celery root, apple, fennel, and manchego cheese

celery root, Granny Smith, fennel and Manchego slaw

Celery root and Granny Smith slaw has been on my to-make list for ages. A big block of Kirkland Signature Manchego along with a big celery root and several Granny Smiths waiting in the produce drawer nudged me to finally get it done. I liked the looks of Mindy Fox’s Celery Root-Apple Slaw with Pecorino, Parsley, and Pine Nuts, and after a couple of tries to create something I really liked, adding fennel, walnuts, golden raisins and Manchego along the way, here it is!

I made a portion without cheese for a vegan guest and it was good as is. For the vegan version I’d also like to try adding Dijon mustard to the dressing using the method in this recipe from Gourmande in the Kitchen.

This type of recipe takes a lot of chopping or else some mechanical help like a Cuisinart with a julienne blade or perhaps a Saladmaster machine or the equivalent. I’ve hinted at a used Saladmaster machine for Mother’s Day. Meanwhile a recipe like this takes a lot of time to chop and is one I’d save for a leisurely weekend or special occasion.

Celery Root, Granny Smith, and Manchego Slaw
Prep time
Total time
Recipe type: salad
Cuisine: American
Serves: 6
For the salad:
  • 1 small celery root (about 1#) peeled, quartered, pithy core removed, remainder of celery root julienned
  • 1 bulb of fennel (about 7 oz.), core removed, stems and fronds removed, cut into small thin pieces. Fronds can also be minced and added.
  • 2 large or 3 small Granny Smith apples (about 1# 4 oz.), quartered, cored, julienned
  • ¾ cup parsley leaves, chopped, not packed
  • ⅓ cup golden raisins
  • 4 oz. shaved manchego cheese
  • ⅔ cup chopped walnuts, toasted
For the dressing:
  • 1½ tsp. salt
  • 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp. golden balsamic vinegar (lemon juice could also work)
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  1. The celery root is most easily peeled with a sharp knife, not a peeler. The center of the celery root is pithy, you will want to discard it. For a small celery root quarter it and remove the center as you would cut the middle from an apple. Julienne the rest of the celery root.
  2. Cut top of fennel (reserve), quarter bulb, remove tough center from each quarter. Cut the remainder of the fennel into thin pieces. You can mince the feathery fronds of the fennel and add those in, too.
  3. Leave skin on apples. Core, quarter, julienne.
  4. Ideally you want to end up with about the same quantity of vegetables, celery root plus fennel, as of apple. I had about six cups of each once julienned.
  5. Toast the walnuts in a dry pan over medium heat for several minutes, stirring constantly, until they become fragrant and begin to brown.
  6. Place the prepared vegetables (saving a little parsley and perhaps fennel fronds for a garnish), the cheese, the raisins, and the toasted nuts in a large bowl.
  7. Add the olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, mix.
  8. Adjust as desired with more spices, vinegar, or oil.
  9. Top with the reserved parsley.
  10. Serve, can go on dinner plates alongside the entrée.



{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Marcia May 6, 2014 at 3:13 am

This looks pretty darn amazing. What a great mix of ingredients. Thanks for sharing!


mary May 8, 2014 at 5:49 am

Thanks Marcia!


The Wimpy Vegetarian May 13, 2014 at 11:12 pm

This is one of my favorite slaws. The combination of celery root, apples and fennel is spot on perfect. But I’ve never added manchego cheese!! Genuis. Especially since it’s one of my favorite cheeses 🙂
The Wimpy Vegetarian recently posted..Mom’s Glazed Blueberry Tarts – #SundaySupperMy Profile


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