Juvenile Moves: Testing on the Horizon?

by Mary on December 4, 2017

Kim wants me to sign up to test my juvenile moves in February. Eek. I’m working on them but progress is incrementally slow. I was told my eight-step mohawk was much better but it’s hard to tell the difference between this video from Friday and the one taken in July. My husband, bless his soul, watched both a few times and says he sees a subtle increase in sureness.

I’m taking videos more often to help me see what I’m doing. Some things that I’ve been told to do and maybe thought I was already doing are not happening. On this move, as I mentioned months ago, I’m supposed to scissor my arms on step five and push my feet straight on the progressives instead of letting my hip and foot turn out. Neither of those things is really happening though there might be a little bit of progress.

In Detroit, ice dancer Caleb simply told me to bend my knees more as it would help my balance. My coaches here have given me more detailed advice but it boils down to the same thing. More knee bend will make it easier to push my free leg to the back, not the side, on step eight. On step four it will prevent the noisy “jumping” of the mohawk in my bad direction.

Right after the mohawk, besides having a soft knee (another way to say bend it), I’ve been told to push my body down the circle into the leading shoulder and push my chest forward to maintain the backward lean. Leaning back more on steps five, six, and seven will keep my path on the correct curve. Then I should push hard on the step one re-start so I will get around the circle in time.

The eight-step is not actually the move that needs the most work on my test. That would be the back power threes. Those are the one move that I sometimes can’t complete due to dizziness or stepping down with my free foot. I need to work on them more, yet the poorly executed back three turns hurt my knees so I can only work on them a little at a time.

How does “the journey not the destination” jibe with having an arrival date for where you are trying to go?

{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }

Eva at Eva Bakes December 4, 2017 at 3:17 pm

These are definitely looking more secure, Mary. Watch that edge on the right (second) pattern right before the mohawk. The RFO edge going into it looks like it’s teetering onto the inside edge a bit. I know you can pass this test!!
Eva at Eva Bakes recently posted..Biscuit Head’s classic cathead buttermilk biscuitMy Profile


Mary December 4, 2017 at 3:41 pm

I’ll check that out and work on it before my lesson today, Eva, thanks. And thanks for the encouragement, I need it!


Jo December 6, 2017 at 12:41 am

Mary, I watched both videos and I agree with your husband that the eight-step mohawk pattern is better. It looks like your exit edges coming out of the mohawk are more secure and consistent, and that you have more even edges throughout the pattern. Good speed on these! Hope the test preparation is fun.
Jo recently posted..Sculpture gardenMy Profile


Mary December 6, 2017 at 4:36 am

Oh I’m glad you can notice a difference! Learning moves can be such a long journey for me that sometimes I am not sure whether I’m making progress. You think it has good speed? That’s good. I’m thinking it could use more quickness since that’s on one of the things they are looking for, but that will have to come after I feel more stable and secure on the move. I have enjoyed learning these moves, I hope I will still be able to enjoy the process as the test date gets closer.


Kim G December 6, 2017 at 7:42 pm

I don’t know too much about ice skating, but I know it’s always such a process when you’re trying to learn a new move or perfect an existing move. I did gymnastics when I was younger so I totally get it! Keep up the good work!
Kim G recently posted..December 2017 GoalsMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 12:54 am

Ah, gymnastics, yes I know that you totally do get it, Kim! Especially for jumps, I think learning a new jump has to be the most similar thing in skating to learning a gymnastics move. Unfortunately we don’t have any spotters or padded surfaces in skating!


Rachel Frutkin December 6, 2017 at 9:56 pm

Keep taking videos because I love watching them! Skating is so beautiful and you do it so well!
Rachel Frutkin recently posted..Winter Running Safety TipsMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 12:54 am

Oh thanks, Rachel, I’m glad you are enjoying them.


Wendy December 6, 2017 at 10:33 pm

I’m no expert but you look pretty sure of yourself here! Beautiful!


Mary December 8, 2017 at 12:59 am

I’ve definitely lost the fear that I used to have of the outside mohawks though it’s still skating, anything can still happen. I’m sure I would look a lot more frazzled if I were doing the move with the quickness that the judges want which is quite a bit faster tempo than this. Probably I should push my comfort zone on that. I’m glad it had that quality of sureness to you. Thanks Wendy!


Deborah Brooks December 6, 2017 at 10:56 pm

I don’t know anything about ice skating but it’s fun to watch you skate!
Deborah Brooks recently posted..The Beauty of Running Friends Extends Way Beyond RunningMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 1:20 am

Thanks Deborah!


Kimberly Hatting December 6, 2017 at 11:40 pm

Although I know ZERO about ice skating, it’s always exciting to watch 😉 I’m sure it’s much more difficult than it looks!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted..Jingle Bell Run 5KMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 1:20 am

Some things impress people but are relatively easy, others don’t look like much but are hard. The goal is always to make it look easy.


Coco December 7, 2017 at 2:03 am

Good question! I’m sure you will make it to the destination in fine form. Even if there’s still room for improvement, you will have another destination to strive for. 😉
Coco recently posted..Wrapping Up NovemberMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 1:17 am

Or possibly the same destination, but at least I’ll have some feedback from the judges. Thanks for your faith that I will eventually get there.


Clarinda December 7, 2017 at 3:10 am

Just keep at it and enjoy the progress you are making. Videos are a huge help! I’m going to attempt to drastically change my running form next year, so I know I’ll be taking lots of videos to help me with that. 🙂
Clarinda recently posted..Run Laughlin Half Marathon Race RecapMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 1:15 am

That’s good advice, Clarinda, and really it’s the only approach that makes sense. After all, what am I doing it for it not to enjoy the progress? Good luck getting your running form where you want it.


Angela Cardamone December 7, 2017 at 4:28 pm

I love seeing your videos! I think you look great, how fun!!


Mary December 8, 2017 at 1:13 am

Thanks Angela!


Andrea December 7, 2017 at 11:29 pm

I always have to video myself to work on form and technique as well. It makes a huge difference! Keep up the hard work!
Andrea recently posted..December Fitness Bingo | AMRAP workoutsMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 1:00 am

I hadn’t thought of weightlifters as needing to video themselves but it makes all the sense in the world in any sport and I think it does lead to faster progress. I’m glad you are doing that, I’m sure it makes you a better and safer weightlifter.


Katie Shepherd December 8, 2017 at 1:09 am

I love ice skating and admire you so much! My girls just went ice skating this week on a field trip!


Mary December 8, 2017 at 1:13 am

With their school? How fun. This is the time of year when everyone decides it’s time to get to the rink!


Kathryn December 8, 2017 at 1:55 am

Its definitely difficult to focus on the journey and not the destination when you have a very specific date that you know that you have to work towards being ready for. I have no doubt that you’ll be more than ready in time.
Kathryn recently posted..2017 Clarendon Day Double RecapMy Profile


Mary December 8, 2017 at 6:59 am

I’m sure you face the same situation with races. At least my test can be put off if necessary, unlike a competition. Or I can tell myself that I’m just taking the test to put it out there and get some feedback from the judges, that’s the line that you often hear from the skating coaches.


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