Health and Nutrition

Tropical Oils: Healthy? Sustainable?

July 8, 2012

red palm fruit

  The Tropical Oils Are tropical oils good for us and the planet? Saturated fats raise cholesterol levels, and decades ago fears about the saturated fat in tropical oils led to their replacement in processed foods by hydrogenated oils. That was a nutritional disaster. Now some alternative health groups consider tropical oils healthy while mainstream […]

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Truly Free Range Eggs: Healthy, Nutritious, Anti-Inflammatory

July 2, 2012

If you buy organic or cage-free eggs for a healthier, more ethically-produced product, take a second look at where your eggs are coming from. Ordinary US farm standards allow huge flocks of hens in impossibly small cages, while organic standards require uncaged hens fed an organic diet and given access to the outdoors. Unfortunately, many corporate-influenced […]

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What we eat- from vegetarian to pescetarian

May 7, 2012

Our family’s experience of being vegetarian for over twenty years, adding salmon back into our diet, yet still avoiding eating land animals.

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Hold That Bacon: Red Meat and Mortality

March 13, 2012

A new Harvard study shows that one daily serving of unprocessed red meat increases risk of death by 13%, and a daily serving of processed red meat (a hot dog or two slices of bacon) increases risk of death by 20%.

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Goal-Setting Success with Process Goals

December 30, 2011

handwriting process goals with a pen

Process goals: a sane way to enjoy the journey. How it works for competitive athletes and for the rest of us.

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Organic produce- what’s it worth?

November 21, 2011

Every time I travel, I notice far fewer organic grocery items on the shelves in supermarkets than when I am at home.  A recent article from the Seattle Times explains it– Seattle and San Francisco are the country’s top markets for organic produce. The article quotes a Seattle-area resident who shops at several price-competitive grocery […]

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